How Does Social Media Impact Fashion Today?

From presenting the items to selling the products through targeted ads and AI, here is how social media platforms boost sales.

Digital marketing

15 July, 2024

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Social media channels as we know them today have undergone tremendous changes. If we were to look back at how it all started, it would have been unfathomable to the world how far-reaching the effects of social media would be in the future, as we see today.

The journey began with Bolt, the first social networking and video website launched in 1997. Early social media features were limited to basic text messaging and primitive emojis typed on standard keypads. The commercial use of Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) in 2002 marked the beginning of a new era. The initial years of these mediums had a simple goal in mind - to connect people. The internet itself was still in its infancy, and access was limited. Users could only use computers to access this limitless global connectivity. Along came the advent of smartphones, wireless internet, and the rest is history.

Today, these social media platforms have become a part of our everyday lives. They have shimmied their way into every aspect of this world. They hold more power than they ever did. This online world, just like the real world, has its own set of rules, completely distinguished from the way the offline world functions. In fact, social media platforms have so much dominance, that users need to follow the set of laws created by these mega corporations.

Social media has the might to sway countless minds. This has led to their ability to bring about social and political impact. The influence of these channels is inescapable in society. The possibility of perils of such strong influence has led to political policies being put in place. In recent years, several countries have imposed bans on social media platforms, citing reasons ranging from national security concerns to the spread of misinformation. India banned TikTok and other Chinese apps in 2020, citing data privacy and security risks. Iran has blocked platforms like Facebook and Twitter since 2009 due to fears of political unrest and the spread of dissent. In 2021, Russia imposed restrictions on Twitter, claiming the platform failed to remove illegal content, and later blocked Facebook and Instagram in 2022 following the invasion of Ukraine, labeling the platforms as extremist organizations. These bans highlight the complex interplay between government control, digital sovereignty, and the global flow of information.

Main Social Media Tools Today

Today, social media platforms offer a plethora of features, including live streams, videos, photo sharing, ad development, and story posting.