A Rundown Of Metaverse Fashion Week 2023

A Recap Of How Fashion Brands Participated In MVFW In The Second Edition Of This Event

Technology in Fashion

29 May, 2023

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Metaverse Fashion Week has been one of the biggest virtual events bringing together the digital world of metaverse and fashion brands. It takes place in the metaverse platform Decentraland.

What is Decentraland?

Decentraland is a 3D virtual world where users develop avatars to represent themselves. They can buy virtual land and other virtual products like digital wearables and art too. The platform uses the Ethereum blockchain to log all its transactions and the native currency used is called MANA.

Metaverse Fashion Week 2023

Metaverse Fashion Week 2023 took place from 28th March to 31st March. Also known as MVFW, the second iteration of the mega virtual event saw more than 60 designers, artists, fashion, luxury and beauty brands participating. The brand chose to showcase their digital selves in different ways, in-line with their overall metaverse strategies. For some brands, this event fit perfectly into their existing metaverse strategies.

Decentraland made several improvements based on user feedback from the first edition of the event. For the 2023 version, the users had access to a clear map of all the MVFW 2023 events and spaces. Users could simply click on the map button, present at all times on the screen, and click on whichever location they wanted to explore. There was also a schedule available in a similar fashion. Overall, this made the user experience much easier and it was simpler to navigate through the 4-day event without the fear of missing out.


Adidas participated for the first time in the MVFW by introducing their “Virtual Gear” collection during a fashion show during the 4-day event. The show took place at the main stage created within the virtual land of Decentraland, with digital avatar-like models sporting the special collection.

The blockchain-based virtual wearables were first released as NFTs in December 2022. The project was a part of Adidas Originals line, for which the brand created a buzz in the Adidas discord community. The event on Decentraland to showcase this collection summarized it as -

Joining MVFW for the first time ever, adidas will bring their Virtual Gear collection to Decentraland as an exclusive drop of Linked Wearables. As a first Metaverse application of Virtual Gear, adidas presents its iconic wearables with unique makeup looks crafted for the occasion.

The aim of the Adidas team was to be able to gauge the advantage of being able to deliver wearables compatible with various platforms. The Virtual Gear collection, before the showcase at MVFW, was available in three forms: inside users’ digital wallet (as NFTs), as profile pictures (PFP) and through Adidas atelier which is a branded profile picture styling tool.