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Fordocks is the collection for the casual man, which shows details of style for a line of easy knits and jeans for men and women, packaging and fashion knitwear and classic, perfect for the outdoor...
Fordocks is the collection for the casual man, which shows details of style for a line of easy knits and jeans for men and women, packaging and fashion knitwear and classic, perfect for the outdoors and for those who want to feel free in the city. Elle Fordocks by this line is dedicated to the contemporary woman, attentive to detail and trends. The right mix for an up-to-date look ideal for any time of day. All collections are created from the careful analysis of fashion trends in different countries, then reworked and mediated Italian aesthetics and sensibilities. A thorough search of the details makes the various brands unique style and taste.Brand Details
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Men, Women
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